Pests In The Summer: What You Need To Know

Pests are a concern for homeowners throughout the year, but it seems that the problem is particularly severe during the summer months. For this reason, homeowners must be especially alert for any insect issues when the temperatures begin to rise. The following points examine what every homeowner should know about summer pests.


An obvious question that comes up is why are pests more of a problem during the summer than at other times of the year. One reason is that pests, as a rule, are simply more active during warmer weather. Additionally, some pests may seek shelter indoors during extremely high temperatures and attempt to make their way into your home.

The higher humidity of summer also plays a role because insects need water — so the extra moisture makes the habitat more advantageous to the pests' flourishing. Another key factor is the amount of vegetation available in the summer. Food sources like grass and flowers can lead to the growth of insect populations during the summertime.

The life cycle of certain pests is also a cause of increased activity. For example, ants are dormant during the winter, so ants are much more active during the summer as they prepare for the cold weather ahead. Also, pests tend to be more active during the daylight hours and because summer has more daylight than the other seasons, they are more visible during this time of year.


Many pests thrive in the summer due to favorable conditions. Mosquitoes love the hot and humid summer climate and will breed rapidly during this time if left unchecked. As already stated, ants are most active during summer.

Fleas can also be an issue, so you need to check your pets regularly for fleas in the summer. Watch out for any signs of termites whose populations can grow quickly during hot weather. Other pests to watch for are houseflies and stinging insects, such as bees and wasps.


The main thing homeowners need to know about summer pests is how to prevent them from becoming a problem. Here are a few key tips.

Never leave any standing water on your lawn or anywhere else on your grounds. Standing water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Maintaining your yard well by mowing it regularly will provide less habitat for pests. Firewood can attract termites and other pests, so always store firewood away from your house and keep it off the ground. Doors and windows should be kept closed and any gaps or cracks repaired or closed with sealant. 

Clearly, summer pests can be an annoying issue for many homeowners. When these irritating insects try to make your summer less enjoyable, contact a local pest control service for help.
